The Advantages of Cupping Therapy at Home by Dr. Moamen Nada Center
Dr. Momen Nada Center is considered one of the best centers specialized in providing all medical services at the highest quality-level, especially home cupping therapy sessions, which is featured by:
- The center provides specialists and doctors with scientific degrees and authority to practice cupping therapy, according to precise and specific scientific steps that achieve the desired goal
- Provides modern devices and sterile equipment, which contribute to successful hijama sessions
- Relying on correct cupping therapy methods in treatment avoids patients from exposure to side effects resulting from taking many drugs
- Save time in going and returning to and from specialized centers and hospitals
- Save a lot of money on drug-dependent treatment
- Dr. Moamen Nada Center offers the best price for a cupping session against the level of service that is provided
- The doctor or specialist goes to the patient’s home and carries out the entire treatment journey, starting from getting to know the patient’s medical history, until the correct diagnosis to the treatment without making any extra effort

What is Hijama?
Hijama is one of the forms of ancient (alternative) medicine, and it has been used since very ancient times; Its existence dates back to the ancient Pharaonic civilization, as recommended by our Noble Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in the noble hadith:
قال: “رَأَيتُ رسولَ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ وهو يَحتجِمُ بقَرْنٍ، وهو يُشرَطُ بطَرَفِ سِكِّينٍ، فدَخَلَ رَجُلٌ مِن شَمْخَ، فقال له: لِمَ تُمكِّنُ ظَهرَكَ -أو: عُنُقَكَ- من هذا يَفعَلُ بها ما أرى؟ فقال: هذا الحَجْمُ، وهو مِن خيرِ ما تَداوَيتُم به”
Cupping Therapy is the use of hot cups designated for cupping therapy, and they are placed on the source of pain in a specific way, in order to get rid of pain and increase blood flow throughout the body.
Inquire/Request HijamaBenefits of Hijama Therapy at home
Home Cupping Therapy Sessions help relieve many different pains in the hands, legs, back, etc. It also contributes to the treatment of many different diseases such as:
- Herpes zoster, acne, hemifacial paralysis, cervical spondylosis
- Blood problems such as anemia and hemophilia
- Arthritis and pain in the connective tissue
- Fertility and some gynecological disorders
- High blood pressure, migraine, depression, rheumatism
- Cancer, sciatica, foot ulcers, back pain, and gout.
- Hemiplegia, abdominal pain, knee stiffness, and skin diseases
- Infertility, obesity, chronic cough, lung disease, and stimulating blood circulation
- Palestine legs and arms, muscle tension, diabetes, and food allergies
- Bedwetting, sleeping too much, diarrhea, constipation, stomach problems, ulcers
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome, gastritis, varicose veins and elephantiasis

Types of Cupping Therapy
Dr. Momen Nada Center offers 3 different types of hijama, which are used according to each patient’s health condition:
1. Bloody or Wet Cupping
It is an incision or strip in the skin that is opened by a medical scalpel, and then cupping is placed on the cracked places, and it is drained of contaminated blood, air and microbes that transmit various diseases.
2. Dry Cupping
It is a type of types of cupping and is very similar to wet cupping in the way it works, but no incisions are made in this method, but microbes are transferred to the skin through cups, thus eliminating pain.</ p>
3. Sliding Cupping
It is the type that combines the two previous types, and it is about massaging the body in a way in order to get rid of microbes or get rid of fat and strengthen muscles, in which the body is rubbed with olive oil or mint oil to help massage.
Inquire/Request HijamaCupping Therapy Cost
There are now many home cupping companies and centers in Egypt that provide home cupping services of various types.
Average price of professional home hijama in Egypt
The price of a cupping therapy session varies according to several factors, as follows:
- The condition of the patient for whom sessions are required
- Number of sessions required for the patient’s condition
- Geographical location of the patient’s home
- The home cupping therapy center or office of your choice, as there are many centers that exaggerate the cost of the service
- Any kind of special request in your choice of service provider